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You Decide - Food will Pop

You Decide - Food will Pop

by Capermint Technologies


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You Decide - Food will Pop
You Decide - Food will Pop
You Decide - Food will Pop
You Decide - Food will Pop
You Decide - Food will Pop

You Decide - Food will Pop. Food Pop is a multinational food special based company headquartered in Sydney Australia. We are a third party broadcaster of time-sensitive specials on predominantly food products from outlets such as fast food chains, supermarkets, independent grocers, specialty retailers such as butchers, bakers, fishmongers, pubs, hotels, bars, casinos, restaurants, etc.

Some perks of the You Decide - Food will Pop app are:

1.Dispose of excess stock

2.Create an influx of sales instantly

3.New product launch to a local market

4.Increase daily revenue in an instant by offering a hot special for a short period of time

These outlets pay a weekly subscription for the right to broadcast specials to an audience within a geographical location of their choosing. Usually within a certain radius of the venue.End users enjoy the access to live specials within their locality some perks for end users are;

- Why pay full price when you can pay a fraction of it?

- Have something different every day wherever you may be.

- Fast food, groceries, small goods, bread, cheese, desserts, produce,

- Any day, anytime, anywhere super cheap

- Pay up to 70% less for your perishable groceries eggs, milk, bread, etc. over any given week by purchasing what’s broadcasted on You Decide - Food will Pop by your local supermarket/grocer

- Purchase your favorite lunch for less than half price any day of the week.

- Set your favorite venue on alert for maximum enjoyment at a low price every day.

Design & Developed by Capermint Technologies.