Develop logical thinking
Train your concentration and attentiveness
Expand your vocabulary
Memorize foreign words
Hungarian crossword - Fillword - the logical game that consists of a grid with letters rectangular or square shape. It is necessary to find the words hidden in the grid.
Words are read in a broken line - the line can be bent at right angles. Each letter may be used in only one word.
If you can't find a word - tips to help you solve the puzzle.
Unlimited levels
Levels are generated every time you start the game
Different levels of difficulty
Depending on the size of the playing grid - from small 5 to 5 cells to a very large size of the cells 10 to 13
Helpful hints
The game will tell you one of the hidden word and show the letter with which it starts
Multiple languages ​​available for the game
In this version there are 2 languages ​​- Russian and English