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Wonders of Tabs Slide Puzzles

Wonders of Tabs Slide Puzzles

by creativespartans


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Wonders of Tabs Slide Puzzles
Wonders of Tabs Slide Puzzles
Wonders of Tabs Slide Puzzles
Wonders of Tabs Slide Puzzles
Wonders of Tabs Slide Puzzles
Wonders of Tabs Slide Puzzles
Wonders of Tabs Slide Puzzles

Welcome to Wonders of slide puzzles! In these slide puzzle games, you have multiple slide puzzles where you have to solve this tabs art puzzle game with a lot of unique puzzles like picture puzzle games it is also kind of word puzzle game.

In picture puzzle games you have different pieces, So you need to arrange them in the right order so you can guess the word or complete the picture and solve the sliding puzzle 3d. Will you complete this puzzle art by arranging the right pieces in art puzzles? In this puzzle you have to focus on the puzzle, think before your action you have specific to solve these sliding puzzles. These games also improve your word vocabulary and observation skills because this game is like world of wonder, also picture puzzle, and also tab art puzzle game.

This game has multiple type slide puzzles which can give you the different experience you can enjoy slide puzzle games. So you can enjoy picture puzzle games and world of wonder in one game! Can you solve the tab art puzzle game and guess the word game in one game?

Can you slide pieces correctly? Can you solve the guess the word game correctly by arrange the words correctly? Ready to improve your skills in slide puzzle games? In this game solve word puzzle and puzzle art!


Can you solve the wonder words? There are multiple alphabets in the gameplay select now…or loose level! You have image available so you can guess the word by picture, so you have word slide, arrange them, and reveal the correct name in the guess the word game.


This is another puzzle of sliding puzzle games to solve the art puzzles. You have to arrange the picture to complete the image. There are many pieces and complete image and you can also delete the pieces you don’t need.


This is another puzzle of this game which is color puzzle. In this game you have multiple colors and you need to make a new selected color in this puzzle. You make the new color by combination of given colors. You have to delete the color which you don’t need and make the new color in the sliding puzzle games! Will you solve the puzzle?


You can solve this game by using the boosters if you find any difficulty regarding solving the game don't worry. You are confused which slider you need to move, then use the booster for solve puzzle.
You have multiple booster hints and remove one slider. Choose any booster accordingly which you need to solve the puzzle. Place the sliders in the puzzle, by using the right booster in art puzzle!
If you want to need hint so you can use a hint booster and if you want to remove unwanted slider you can use a remove slider booster!

This game is the mixture of different puzzle picture puzzle and word puzzle. So enjoy the art puzzle!