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Unit X Converter

Unit X Converter

by App Scoop LTE


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Unit X Converter
Unit X Converter
Unit X Converter
Unit X Converter
Unit X Converter
Unit X Converter
Unit X Converter
Unit X Converter
Unit X Converter is a tool in the extended set of the Smart Tools collection. Currency (money) exchange feature is added. It is ad-free version. Ads are replaced by useful texts. It supports Full currencies and regions (99+ countries). There are already a lot of unit conversion apps. However, most are inconvenient and difficult to use because of a poor and complicated UI. This unit app is intuitive and simple with a beautiful and optimized UI that is designed for casual user like you. Try it out.This app has 25 categories with essential units for your daily life. * Supported Units list - Basic : length (distance), area, weight (mass), volume (capacity) - Living : exchange rate, temperature, time, speed - Science : pressure, force, work (energy), power, torque, flow, density, viscosity - Misc. : angle, data, fuel consumption, cooking, illuminance, astronomy, radiation, prefix, binary Converter is a simple unit converter. It's intuitive and easy to use. Features fast, real time unit conversion in a clean interface. Converter includes only the units you'll ever use, instead of cluttering the app with every single unit that exists. It is ad-free version. Includes: - Length converter - Area converter - Volume converter - Temperature converter - Base converter - Weight/Mass converter - Pressure converter - Speed converter - Power converter - Energy converter - Torque converter - Angle converter - Bits & Bytes converter - Time converter - Fuel Consumption converter - Frequency-Wavelength-Energy converter - Bandwidth converter A complete list of units included can be found on the website link given below. If you have any questions or issues, send an email at the address given below. To request additional units, please send an email instead of writing a comment.