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Trade Brains Portal - Stock Screener & Analytics

Trade Brains Portal - Stock Screener & Analytics

by Trade Brains


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Trade Brains Portal - Stock Screener & Analytics
Trade Brains Portal - Stock Screener & Analytics
Trade Brains Portal - Stock Screener & Analytics
Trade Brains Portal - Stock Screener & Analytics
Trade Brains Portal - Stock Screener & Analytics
Trade Brains Portal - Stock Screener & Analytics

Trade Brains Portal helps investors make efficient stock research and analysis by providing quality fundamental data with insightful visuals.

On Trade Brains Portal, you can perform the complete fundamental analysis of stocks by looking into all aspects of a company like profitability, liquidity, valuation, efficiency, and more, all in one place. Our detailed stock analysis page provides complete financial information of all the Indian publicly traded companies for the last five years, along with simple charts & visualization.

Just plug in the name of stock for which you want to do investment analysis. All the financial information that is necessary for making an intelligent investment decision will be flashed on the screen: Price Charts, Key Metrics, Financial Ratios, Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, Cashflow Statement, Shareholding Pattern, Quarterly results, and more.

Top Features and Products offered by Trade Brains Portal
- Fundamental & Financial Data
- Stock Buckets & Themes
- Stock Screener
- Multiple Stock Watchlist
- Superstar Portfolio