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speak robot sound

speak robot sound

by MojaAPPS


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speak robot sound
speak robot sound
speak robot sound
speak robot sound
speak robot sound
speak robot sound
speak robot sound
✧ speak with robot sound now, speak write and use last words ✧ includes 10 languages you can speak with: ◆ English ◆ Arabic ◆ French ◆ German ◆ Italian ◆ Spanish ◆ Portuguese ◆ Russian ◆ Korean ◆ Turkish ✧ Entertainment for fun app, for all ages ✧ select one of the 7 funny characters ! ✧ click on keyboard icon to enter a text to be converted to the robot sound ✧ click on the microphone icon to convert your speech to the robot sound ✧ click on the languages icon to select another language to be recognized and spoken ✧ under the screen there are last words has been used ◆ needs an internet connection