The newest Personal Loan Calculator app is now available. With this amazing app you will save time and money by calculating your loan repayments with one simple click. With this free app, you can instantly calculate the monthly repayments for fixed rate loans such as Personal Loans and automobile loans.
You can also view a handy amortization/payment schedule which shows the break down of your loan's principle and interest repayments.
Before you consider a loan for any purpose, download this free app to ensure you are getting the best deal.
This easy to use app comes with the following features:
Fast Calculations
Calculations are done instantly after you enter each amount field.
Simple to use interface
Interface allows you to quickly use the calculator without having to reference help files and documentation.
Large Numeric Keypad
The large keypad allows for easier, faster, and more accurate entry of numeric amounts.
Amortization Table
A complete payment schedule allows you to view the amount, interest, principal, and remaining balance for each and every payment of the loan.
Doesn't need internet to calculate...