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PDF Conversion Tool

PDF Conversion Tool

by Roxy


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PDF Conversion Tool
PDF Conversion Tool
PDF Conversion Tool
PDF Conversion Tool
PDF Conversion Tool
PDF Conversion Tool

PDF Conversion Tool allows you to easily and quickly convert almost any file into PDF format and back. Easily converts PDF file to Microsoft Word format and to almost any images format. As a bonus, it also provides the ability to protect, remove password and compress almost any PDF file without losing of quality. Friendly, clear and convenient design makes working with the application easy and understandable.

Full list of formats available for conversion:
*From file to PDF
- cad : dwg, dxf
- document : abw, djvu, doc, docm, docx, html,lwp, md, odt, pages, pages.zip, pdf, rst, rtf, sdw, tex, txt, wpd, wps
- ebooks : azw, azw3, azw4, cbc, cbr, cbz, chm, epub, fb2, htm, htmlz, lit, lrf, mobi, pdb, pml, prc, rb, snb, tcr, txtz
- image : 3fr, arw, bmp, cr2, crw, dcr, dng, erf, gif, ico, jpeg, jpg, mos, mrw, nef, odd, orf, pef, png, ppm, psd, raf, raw, tif, tiff, webp, x3f, xcf, xps
- presentation : dps,key,key.zip, odp, pps, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, sda
- spreadsheet : csv, et, numbers, numbers.zip, ods, sdc, xls, xlsm, xlsx
- vector : ai, cdr, cgm, emf, eps, ps, sk, sk1, svg, svgz, vsd, wmf

*From PDF to file
- cad : dxf
- document : doc, docx, html, odt, pdf, rtf, txt
- ebooks : azw3, epub, lrf, mobi, oeb, pdb
- image : bmp, gif, ico, jpg, odd, png, psd, tiff, webp
- vector : emf, eps, ps, svg, wmf

PDF Conversion Tool offers one of the most advanced PDF to Word conversions! Our technology preserves layouts and table formatting. This saves you hours of re-typing! Please note that we cannot produce editable Word DOCs under the following conditions:
- The PDF file was created by a scanner (or contains images only)
- The PDF has security restrictions (password / edit restrictions)
- The PDF is a form