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level 36 color

level 36 color

by Talluri Games


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level 36 color
A new color puzzle flashed in puzzle gallery for the lovers of puzzle games Google Play Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tallurigames.level36color&hl=en A thrilling memory game of cars, Traffic Recall developers brought you another beautiful memory game, level 36 color, now with solid colors. Level 36 color is a fun packed color puzzle with 36 levels. This is an addictive and challenging game with simple logic. Memorizing and recalling the positions of the colors in the circle grid requires complete attention and concentration. At first, memorizing 2 and 3 colors at lower levels found to be easy and simple, but at the higher levels memorizing more colors found to be more challenging. The last level 36 is specially designed and differently presented in the game. It is quite more challenging than the previous levels. Totally all 36 levels are filled with fun and drench you fully in colors. Level 36 color is a unique color matching puzzle game in the puzzle world. Shortly about level 36 color : # Levels 36 # A color puzzle and colorful puzzle # Soothing background # Pleasing sounds # Enough taps # A special level- 36  Specially designed  Differently exhibited  Challenging yet loving  Mind boggling puzzle game # Free puzzle # Smooth and dynamic game play Game play : # Memorize colors and their positions on the circle grid, in the given time. # Recall the positions and tap on the circles in the grid, in the order indicated. # Word ‘find’ at the top of the screen indicates the colors to be found. # Taps are enough, to complete the task. Level-36 game play : Relate the colors indicated, with the positions of the colors in the previous levels by using the clues in the grid. MATCH COLORS, SWITCH LEVELS AND FETCH FUN