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Knitter : Social Networking App for Rural India

Knitter : Social Networking App for Rural India

by knitter social


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Knitter : Social Networking App for Rural India
Knitter : Social Networking App for Rural India
Knitter : Social Networking App for Rural India
Knitter : Social Networking App for Rural India
Knitter : Social Networking App for Rural India
Knitter : Social Networking App for Rural India
Knitter : Social Networking App for Rural India
Knitter : Social Networking App for Rural India

Knitter is developed with the vision to empower rural areas for rural development by connecting them through India’s only social network for Rural India.
Knitter is a social network that connects members of one village with one another and other rural areas (villages) of entire India as well. This strong and long social network helps villagers to know about what’s happening in the rural world from an app while sitting at home and allows them to contribute to rural development by enlightening themselves with the content that knitter provides them on our knitter channel and our blog website and become self- reliant.
Knitter’s social network helps rural areas to connect from one village to another and with the members of their own villages as well. According to Knitter rural development means making each village member “atma-nirbhar”.

Knitter has 4 main features that make it different from other social network and rural areas apps.

Select Villages-

Registration - people need to select a village while registering themselves.

Find members- Users can find members of their village and other villages.

Specific village timeline - You can select villages to visit their timelines.

Share with selected villages - you can share your posts on other villages timeline as well.
- Favourite village - You can mark your ideal villages as favourite villages, can check their timelines and can share your post on their timeline as well.

(i) Categorial Timeline- Knitter provides different categories to create the post. For eg- agriculture, schemes, entertainment, gram panchayat, information, and news, problems
(ii) General timeline - You can share your post in general without selecting any category.

Knitter channel - It is Knitter’s library to provide every essential detail related to rural India such as-

Rural development- Gram panchayat, the gram sabha

Agriculture- mechanization, organic farming

Schemes- central and state

Govt department - central and state

Guest User
- Users can experience only the main feature of the app.

Upcoming features -
(i) The content of knitter channel can be shared on other apps.
(ii) Users will be able to react and comment on knitter Channel posts.
(iii) Users will be able to share the content from other apps to Knitter’s timeline.
(iv) Feedback google form for users.
(v) More videos and use case cards on features explanation to make the user journey easier.
(vi) Improvements in creating posts, member lists, and your favorite village list and features.

The information provided in the app is for knowledge purposes only. We are not associated with the government, government organizations, or agencies. All the content provided by Knitter on the platform through Knitter Channel is created only for informative purposes, so as to create awareness and educate the users of the app. Primarily the source of the content posted by Knitter includes the Constitution of India, Panchayati Raj Act, Any act in force in India, Websites of Central Panchayati Raj Department, all States Panchayati Raj Departments, press releases from the government and some other sources.

Our sources include the following
www.rajpanchayat.rajasthan.gov.in (http://www.rajpanchayat.rajasthan.gov.in/)
Panchayati Raj - Raj Panchayat > Home

Terms and conditions - https://www.knitter.co.in/terms
Privacy and policy - https://www.knitter.co.in/privacy