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Islamic Word Scramble for Kids

Islamic Word Scramble for Kids

by Rizwan Ali


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Islamic Word Scramble for Kids
Islamic Word Scramble for Kids

Islamic World Scramble is an interactive Android App which is specially designed for Muslim Kids to learn the basics about Islam and Quran. This Game is designed with the purpose to increase and test the knowledge of Muslim child by helping him through scramble words.

How to play the game:
To play a game 60 seconds is allocated for one word Islam to scramble it. In this allocated time the kid has to form the right word otherwise he will lose. 
This game is divided into three portions:
• By completing this vocabulary game for kids within 20 seconds the user will earn 200 extra points
• Completing the game within 30 seconds adds 150 extra points to the score
• If the time exceeds 30 seconds then 100 points are added using a hint causes a loss of 50 points.

As the Islamic word game progresses words get longer and difficult. If you fail to give correct answer within allotted sixty seconds the game will be over and your total score will be calculated. You get maximum points in this scramble game if you manage to complete the word in minimum time.