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GeoMark - Your Personal Location Data Bank

GeoMark - Your Personal Location Data Bank

by Geomark


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GeoMark - Your Personal Location Data Bank
GeoMark - Your Personal Location Data Bank
GeoMark - Your Personal Location Data Bank
GeoMark - Your Personal Location Data Bank
GeoMark - Your Personal Location Data Bank

If you are looking for an excellent location marker / location sharing apps or if you are a travel enthusiastic then GeoMark  is perfect for your needs.

GeoMark can be used as a personal location marker / travel companion where you can bookmark your favorite spots and share with your friends via GeoMark app and Whatsapp.

GeoMark can help:

  • Mark your current location on both online and offline.
  • Get exact Location (Lattitude and longitude)
  • Share your saved locations via GeoMark and Whatsapp
  • Any location data you have saved can be accessed anytime in the future
  • Location posts can be made public through tagging

Download GeoMark from playstore and experience the simplicity of app.