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Fact of Your Name - Name Meaning

Fact of Your Name - Name Meaning

by Ak Web Designer


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Fact of Your Name - Name Meaning
Fact of Your Name - Name Meaning
Fact of Your Name - Name Meaning
Fact of Your Name - Name Meaning
Fact of Your Name - Name Meaning
Fact of Your Name - Name Meaning

What is the meaning of your name ?
Fact of Your Name - Name Meaning is a application that will help you in find your name meaning fact with reality.
This is very easy and simple app to use for any user. Simply enter your name, gender and know your name meaning.

We provide features like add photo from gallery, change background color, every time one new emoji, save and share your name meaning with any social network.

Hope you got the exact meaning of your name and you will enjoy by using this app.
You will definitely love this app. We respect your suggestions and feedback.

The aim of this application is to share fun and happiness for users OR The aim of this application is to entertain and give happiness for users.

Main Features:-

- Upload photo from your device
- Choose your favorite background color
- Save and Share your name meaning on Social Network

How to Use:-
- Enter Name and Select Gender
- Click on Find Meaning
- Add photo from device
- Change background color
- Save and Share your name meaning on Social Network