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Emoji Quiz - Guess the emoji emoticons free

Emoji Quiz - Guess the emoji emoticons free

by Peafone Studio


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Emoji Quiz - Guess the emoji emoticons free
Emoji Quiz - Guess the emoji emoticons free
Emoji Quiz - Guess the emoji emoticons free
Emoji Quiz - Guess the emoji emoticons free

The best of Guess the Emoji game for relaxing. 
“Between working on two theories of relativity, I like to relax by playing emoji quiz” – Albert Einstein

Are you stuck on a hard emoji Question??

Reveal A Letter
- Using this hint will reveal a random letter in the puzzle. Use this hint when you need an extra nudge to guess the icon on a hard question!
Remove The Letters

- This hint removes all letters from the board which are NOT USED in the puzzle game. This hint can be very helpful on shorter puzzles. Use it wisely!

Solve It!
- This hint will completely solve the word question for you! Use it if you're totally stuck!

emoji provided free by http://emojione.com