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Dream Fish Pond

Dream Fish Pond

by andhat


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Dream Fish Pond
Dream Fish Pond
Dream Fish Pond
Dream Fish Pond
Dream Fish Pond
Dream Fish Pond
Dream Fish Pond
Dream Fish Pond
A beautiful live wallpaper simulating fish swimming in the pond! Dream Fish Pond is a beautiful live wallpaper simulating fish swimming in the water pond by using the advanced android render script technology. There are five beautiful water pond or aquarium background to choose from and a total of 5 fish type. Initially, there are 5 live fish and you can add another 5 fish in your pond via the setting. There are some lotus, flowers, and tree leaves in the pond also. You can customize these items in the setting menu also. Key Features: 1: Single tap the water pond will be water ripple effect. 2: Tap fish, fish will run away quickly. 3: Tree leaves drifting down and auto generate one if few leaves on the screen. 4: Lotus and flowers size, position, and direction will auto change each time you re-set the live wallpaper. 5: Add or remove living fish in the setting menu.