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Double Check

Double Check

by Tech Exons


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Double Check
Double Check
Double Check
Double Check
Double Check
Double Check
Double Check
Double Check
Double Check

Double Check mobile app allows you to quickly and easily verify your maid, cook, driver, nanny, nurse, tutor, trainer, housekeeper, personal assistant and other domestic staff right from your mobile phone. Double Check helps you make the right decision based on authentic verified information obtained through background verification and screening processes.

What services does the Double Check mobile app offer?

Double Check app offers:
- House maids verification
- Nanny verification
- Driver verification
- Cook verification
- Security guard verification
- Gardener verification
- Gatekeeper verification
- Tutor verification
- Nurse verification
- Housekeeper verification
- Personal assistant verification
- Personal trainer verification
and any other domestic or blue-collar employee you hire for your home or company.

What are the different types of background verification that Double Check offers?

Double Check app gives you complete peace of mind by verifying all the required details which include
- Criminal record verification
- License verification
- Reference verification
- Identify verification
- Previous employment verification
- Residence verification and Site visit
- Education verification
- Drug testing
- International Sanction verification
- Credit check