This app is the the file manager specialized in file copy.
You can copy files or folders easily and quickly.
Of course, other features is also very replete.
** Main features **
- 2 screen operation.
- Copy multiple files and folders easily.
- If the same name's file or folder already exists, you can overwrite it or save the file which will be copied as another file.
- The copied files will be colored.
** Other features **
- Create new file or folder.
- Delete files and folders.
- Rename files and folders.
- Share the files with other app (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc...).
- Sort files and folders with name, size, or update date.
- Search files.
- List the images, videos or music.
- Show thumbnails for images or videos.
- Created files and renamed files will be colored.
Try this by all means!!