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Blood Monk

Blood Monk

by Let's Nurture


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Blood Monk
Blood Monk
Blood Monk
Blood Monk
Blood Monk

LetsNurture has once again ventured into social work domain and has come out with a blood donor android application for the users. This application is named as the “Blood Monk”, and helps users to not only find names of blood donors in the city on time but also find information on the nearest hospital in less time.

LetsNurture has kept 3 tabs for the users in the Blood Monk Application.

- The first tab called “Register Blood Monk”, where the users can register themselves or their relatives name on this tab as the future blood donor and come of help to other people or humanity in time.

- The second tab named as “Search Blood Monk” focuses on helping users select their blood group and their home area. Users can search the related blood group users in their area after clicking on the search button. Whats more, users or their relatives can also call, message and mail to any particular blood donor. The users will have all the contact details for a particular blood donor, that they have selected from the donor’s list.

- The third effective tab is the “Monks on Map” contains information on all the registered blood donors, all major hospitals and the related or associated blood banks, which will be displayed on the Google Map. A filtering facility is also available for the users, so that they can choose any of the categories and have their desired results on the Google Map with root.

"Blood Monk" Mobile App Design & Developed by LetsNurture.