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Bible Light

Bible Light

by Bible Light


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Bible Light
Bible Light

Download and play best bible trivia quiz game to gain your knowledge about Christianity. Bible Light is the most searchable and free bible trivia game app you ever took for Bible learning!

Test and challenge yourself to memorize stories and verses with this biblical quiz app. All questions are free, unlike other trivia games which have limits. We encourage you to play and learn without limits.

Earn points for correct answers and use special bonus items to proceed in the game. Refer game to friends and earn points for each download.

Our online bible study app covers each and every aspect of Christianity with the old and new testaments. Play and check how much you already know about the bible verses and facts. Find bible quotes and bible verses, bible stories, characters and situations. With our free Bible trivia quiz game app you will have hard time turning off with the interesting way to learn Christianity with easy and fun.

Popular for church-goers looking for fun ways to study and memorize scripture. Many categories to choose from including Easy, Medium, Difficult and Very difficult questions.

No network connection required, just download bible quiz app and play it offline. Just remember to study before taking the quiz!

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